Adding notes


Alex Hogg avatar
Written by Alex Hogg
Updated over a week ago

Notes are snippets of text appended to photos, units, rooms, and more on the RocketPlan platform. These notes can contain any information you want to remain associated with each a particular element of a project, and can be created by any user on a project. To access all existing notes, click Projects in the left side-bar, select a Project, then select “All Project Notes”. Here, you will find a list of all notes left for this project, including those left on photos, rooms, units, etc. Here, you can also see the date of creation for each note, and the name of the user who created it. New photo notes can be added to photos during the upload process, or added to a previously uploaded photo.

To add a note to an existing photo, navigate to it in the project page and select it. While viewing the photo, click the Notes button at the bottom right of the display. Here, you can view any existing notes, select one to edit, or type into the bottom text box to leave a new one. To leave a note on a Unit or Room, simply type into the Notes text submission box below the appropriate element on the Project page. To delete a note, go to the All Project Notes section and click the red trash icon to the right of the note in question.

Confirm your selection to permanently delete the note. Photos with notes will appear in the Project page with a small note icon at the bottom-left of the image thumbnail. Should you choose to download your photos, any notes will be downloaded, as well.

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