Click "Payments"
Click "Templates"
Click "New"
Click "Upload a PDF"
Click this icon.
Select the PDF and Click "Upload"
To Make the PDF Fillable
Click the "+"
Drag and drop the "Date" picker from the "Fillable Fields" onto the document.
Click "*"
Drag the box to the appropriate line and resize if needed.
Click "To be filled by"
Select the person that will be filling in the information.
Click the "+"
Drag and drop the "Text" box from the "Fillable Fields" onto the document.
Click "*"
Drag the box to the appropriate line and resize if needed.
Click the "Please Input" field and remove the text.
Click "To be filled by"
Select the person that will be filling in the information.
Click this double square icon to copy the box.
Click "*" on the new box
Drag and drop it to the appropriate place and resize if needed.
Repeat the steps for each line that needs to be filled out.
To Add a "Checkbox"
Click the "+"
Drag and drop the "Checkbox" from the "Fillable Fields" onto the document.
Click "*"
Drag and drop it in the appropriate place and resize if needed.
Click "To be filled by"
Select the person that will check or uncheck the box.
Click on the "+" and drag and drop the "Signature" box from the "Fillable Fields" onto the document. Then drag and drop to the appropriate place and resize as needed.
Make sure each fillable box has the correct person selected to fill in the information.
Click "Save"