Click "Payments"
Navigate to "Documents & Contracts" Click "Templates"
Click "New"
Click "Create a template for Documents & Contracts"
Click the "+" sign.
Click here and drag it to the document.
Delete the space saver text and either type out the document or copy/paste here.
Format the document per preference.
Delete the space saver text and add enough space to enter the required text.
Click the "+"
Drag and drop the "Fillable Fields" to the document.
Click "*"
Drag the fillable box into place and resize as needed.
Click "To be filled by"
Select the person who will be filling in the information.
Click the "Please Input" field.
Type out what needs to be filled in (Policy Holder's Name etc)
Repeat for all space saver text.
Click this icon.
Click here.
Click "*"
Click here.
Click the "Please Input" field.
Type out what needs to be filled in (Policy Holder's Name etc)
Click "To be filled by"
Select the person who will be filling in the information.
To Add a "Date Picker"
Click the "+"
Click on the Fillable Fields "Date" and drag and drop into the document.
Click "*"
Drag the date field to where it needs to be in the document.
Select the person that will be adding the date and format the date information.
To Add and "Initials" box.
Click the "+"
Click on the "Initials" box in the "Fillable Fields" and drag and drop into the document.
Click "*"
Drag the box to where it needs to be and resize if needed.
To Add a "Signature" box
Click the "+"
Click the "Signature" box in the "Fillable Fields" and drag and drop it into the document.
Drag it to where it is needs to be and resize if needed.
Uncheck the "Show Signer Name" box.
Click "Save"