RocketSketch Setup
Step 1: Sign Up to RealSee
One member of the team (ideally company owner or someone Senior in the company) will sign up on the RealSee platform - CLICK HERE
Once you have signed up please email the following to [email protected] 1) The email address you're using on RealSee (It should be the same as the one you're using on RocketPlan). 2) Your RealSee Identity ID
To get your RealSee Identity ID follow the steps below:
Click the profile icon in the top right corner
Step 2: Invite Team Members
Follow the steps in this video: Invite Team Member
PLEASE NOTE: If the team members had already signed up to RealSee prior to you inviting them to join your team then after they follow the steps to join your team they will need to switch over from their personal account to your company account. They can do this by login into the RealSee Console, open the profile in the top right corner, select “Switch Identify” then select the company account.
They can also do this on the mobile app by selecting the profile in the top left corner, click the drop down then switch over to the company account.
Step 3: Connect G1
Now that you’re part of the company account you need to connect your phone to your G1. You do this by opening up the RealSee app and clicking the G1 icon in the bottom left corner.
From here you will select the “Add Device” button and follow the steps to connect.
Your phone will automatically connect to the G1 as soon as the RealSee app is opened. Ensure that the G1 and your phone are in close proximity so the Bluetooth connection can work.
PLEASE NOTE: That your phone will automatically connect to the last G1 device it was synced with. If you are swapping G1’s with other team members then you must first open up the RealSee and select the G1 new device from the drop down menu.
Step 4: Scanning the Property
Now that you are connected to the G1 you can go ahead and start scanning the property.
To do this follow the steps below:
Open RocketPlan app
Open the desired project
Open the RocketScan folder
Toggle over to the “Sketch” tab then select the “Start Scan” button. This will automatically open up the RealSee app and you will automatically be connected to the G1.
If your account has been authorized and approved by RocketPlan you will see the following pop up within the RealSee app “Scan and Create Project - Scan your ‘rocketplan’ project. Start”.
Click the “Start” button and you will then go straight into the scanning - See tutorial video on how to Scan using th G1
Once the scan is complete press the “Finish” button
You will then receive a notification providing you with an ETA of when the floor plan and virtual tour will be complete. You will then receive a second notification once the scan is complete.
Once the scan is complete you will go back to the project in RocketPlan. You will see a blank window, with an “Activate” button underneath. Click the button and this will then display the Virtual Tour and Floor plan within RocketPlan.
Users must all be part of the company account for the connection between RocketPlan and RealSee to work.
Users must access the RealSee app via the “Sketch” tab in RocketPlan. If users open the RealSee app directly they will be able to successfully complete a scan however it will not get sent back to the RocketPlan app.
If the user opens the RealSee app via RocketPlan and the pop up says that access is denied then it means they have not successfully joined the company account. They should contact us for support.
Step 5: Download Floor Plans from RealSee
Your floor plans and virtual tours will automatically be available in your RocketPlan platform.
Additionally, you can download the floor plan schematics from your RealSee console by following the steps in this video: Download Floor Plans from RealSee"